Nyquist sampling interval 尼奎斯特取样间隔 ; 尼奎斯特噪声
depth sampling interval 深度采样间隔
time sampling interval 时间采样间隔 ; 时间抽样间隔
sampling interval time 取样间隔时间
fixed sampling interval technique 定间隔采样
adaptive sampling interval technique 频率自适应采样
unit sampling interval 单位抽样时间间隔
And Spatial Sampling Interval 和空间采样间隔
Set the sampling interval based on maximum message processing times.
These times should be considered when setting the sampling interval for situations defined in Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
在为Tivoli Enterprise Portal中定义的情景设置采样间隔时,应该考虑这些时间。
R — The average number of runnable kernel threads over whatever sampling interval you have chosen.