公布 中文名称:腐泥 英文名称:sapropel 定义:"水生低等植物和浮游生物遗体 应用学科: 经腐泥化作用形成富含水分和沥青质的有机软泥。"(一级学科);煤炭科技(二级学科); 煤田地质与勘探(二级学
calc-sapropel 钙藻腐泥 ; 钙质腐泥
sapropel-calc 腐泥钙藻岩
sapropel-clay [地质] 腐泥粘土 ; 腐植黏土
sapropel-type cracking gas 腐泥型裂解气
algal sapropel 藻质腐泥
Sapropel type gas 腐泥型气
eu-sapropel 成熟腐泥
以上来源于: WordNet
N an unconsolidated sludge consisting of the decomposed remains of aquatic organisms, esp algae, that accumulates at the bottoms of lakes and oceans 腐泥
Dark mudstone works as good source rock, with middle-good organic abundance, sapropel-humic and humic organic types as well as mature-high mature generation stage.
Studies on organic geochemistry show that the organic matter of the Tertiary oil-generating rocks in the west is mainly mix-typed, and part of it belongs to sapropel and humic types.