...斯》(The Forbes)网站公布了虚拟人物富豪排行榜,一共有15个虚拟世界的角色进入榜单,而唐老鸭的叔叔史高治(Scrooge McDuck)以441亿美元的身家击败钢铁侠、蝙蝠侠成为虚拟世界里的首富。以下就是这份榜单:
Scrooge McDuck richest fictional character 唐老鸭成为最有钱的虚构人物
以上来源于: WordNet
People of Earth, dreamers of the universe and possible alien organisms of the beyond: you can swim like Scrooge McDuck in a Swiss bank vault in real life.
Scrooge McDuck, the " penny-pinching poultry" with a fortune in gold coins whose estimated worth is $44.1 billion, headed the list of Forbes' "Fictional 15" wealthiest imaginary characters.
贪婪的老鸭、吸血鬼以及早熟的孩子等虚拟人物纷纷上榜。 “守财奴”史高治•麦克老鸭(译者注:迪斯尼动画中唐老鸭的舅舅)在《福布斯》15位最富有虚拟人物榜中高居榜首,它囤积了估价达441亿美元的金币。