... search out 寻找,找出,查出 search out book 找出书 search out the real murderer 找到真正的凶手 ...
Currently to get access to reviews information, a person would need to take out their cellphone, open up Amazon's mobile website - or a relevant iPhone app perhaps - and search for that book.
Gelberg wrote a book you might want to check out, The Successful Introvert: How to Enhance Your Job Search and Advance Your Career (Happy About, $19.95).
Gelberg写的一本书你也许想了解一下--《成功的内向者:如何提高求职及如何让事业前进》(Happy About出版社,价格19.95美元)。
If you want to get a feel for the application, start out by doing a search for a book; enter a title, author, or select a publisher (see the example in Figure 4).