If you have time, you can see both of them.
Both of them suffered from failing eyesight, yet they could see these red and white flowers clearly.
Both of them could now see the wheel well wedged between the rails and the uneven track bed.
You'll see both terms used on the web, and the literature etc., and think of them as synonyms.
When we see that, when we look on the web, we see that expression of both a hope for something better that the web seems to represent for them and we see that sense of furious anxiety about what school classroom actually means to these kids.
So, these are two different definitions of how to think about atomic radius, but really what you find when these are measured is they come up with almost the identical values, so there are tables, you can look up of atomic radii and see these values, and you can trust them that, they work for both this definition and for this definition here, in most cases.