文章详细信息 关键词: 春玉米;播种期;性状;产量;影响;季节性干旱区 [gap=659]Keywords: spring maize;seeding time;traits;yield;effect;seasonal drought area
climate at seeding time 播种期天气
at seeding time 在播种时
fertilizer applied at seeding time 播种时施入肥料 ; 在播种时施的肥料
best seeding time 最佳播期
rice seeding time 稻播种期
late seeding time 晚期播种
correct seeding time 合适播种期
optimum seeding time 适宜播种期
adapted seeding time 适播期选择性
Result All reviewing items existed some difference among the herba leonuri at different seeding time.
Deals with aerial sowing site, species and seeding time to approach the afforestation achievements in Shaanxi.
The effects of seeding time, density and length of fresh shooton output of"hybridizing 780" fresh shoot is obvious.