为了弄清这种“或 然”的关系,我们需要了解以下概念的区别: a )选择限制(selectional restrictions )与选择倾向(selection preference):语言学家在研究词的搭配时主要从词的共现和选择限制这 两个角度入手来分析这一概念。
汉语言文学论文:词汇选限联系的确定性和存在基础|教客网论文频道 关键词]词汇;选限结构;确定性联系;缠绕 [gap=870]Key words:lexicon;selectional restriction;certainty relationship;tangled structure
词汇选限联系的确定性和存在基础-汉语言文学-论文联盟 关键词]词汇;选限结构;确定性联系;缠绕 [gap=872]Key words:lexicon;selectional restriction;certainty relationship;tangled structure
...阶段,会同时出现语义加工和句法加工,语义分析装置主要负责处理词语之间的语义关系,比如选择性限制(Selectional restrictions),句法分析装置负责处理词语间的句法关系,比如,主谓一致性、动词谓元的格、数等信息。
Besides the foreword and the conclusion, it is divided into three chapters:Chapter one emphatically discusses selectional restriction of the highest degree adverbs to the three kinds of full words and its phrases, and summarizes the semantic general character of three kinds of full word and its phrases that can be modified by the highest degree adverbs: unbounded sense of quality and state.
除前言和结论外,共分为三个部分。 第一章着重探讨了极性程度副词对三大类实词及其短语的选择限制,从而总结出可被极性程度副词修饰的三大类实词及其短语在语义上的共性:具有无界的性状义。
参考来源 - 极性程度副词研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
'Eat' has the selectional restriction that it must be followed by a kind of food, so 'I eat sky' is not possible.
eat一词之后限跟某种食物,所以不可能说I eat sky。
The semantic selectional restriction of verbs towards their arguments has always been a quite focused problem in the natural language processing field.
On the basis of this study, it can be found that selectional restriction is a tangled structure, which feature is one of the foundations of existence of lexical selectional restriction.