The Road to Serfdom 通往奴役之路 ; 通向奴役之路 ; 哈耶克
Road to Serfdom 通往奴役之路 ; 通向奴役之路
serfdom in West Europe 西欧农奴制
russian serfdom 帝俄的农奴制度 ; 俄国农奴制
neo-serfdom 新农奴制
serfdom m 农奴身份
serfdom lord 农奴
second serfdom 第二次农奴制
N-UNCOUNT The system of serfdom was the social and economic system by which the owners of land had serfs. 农奴制
N-UNCOUNT If someone was in a state of serfdom, they were a serf. 农奴身份; 农奴地位