... 如果目标受众群不大,但同时引起了好几位竞争者的注意,那么,广告主就必须对竞争对手的媒介投放费及其品牌的相对广告占有率(Share of Voice)作一个估算。广告占有率计算某个品牌在同类产品广告费总额中占有的相对比例,计算如下: 广告占有率=该品牌的在某个媒介上的...
...表述的是在相关该网站关键词告白预示回数几多的量度,该数值越高,就有越多的相关该网站关键词的告白出现流量份额(share of voice),在该网站关键词下,有几多百分点的流量流进该网站最后是用户逗留指数(engagent),描述了与一般用户比拟,由该网站关键词带来的用户...
N the proportion of the total audience or readership commanded by a media group across its full range of publishing and broadcasting activities 声音份额; 某品牌所作广告在市场中所有该类商品品牌所作广告总量的比例
South Korea was the biggest spender, accounting for 31 percent of share of voice.
Ultimately, share of voice, point of view and community influence will be more important than brand ownership -- and marketers will need to get over it if they want to stay relevant in 2012.
到那时,share of voice(分享的声音), point of view(观点)和 community iinfluence(社区影响力)将比品牌更为重要,而营销人员如果想在2012年仍有作为,也必须掌握这些知识。
The study also discovered that more than 80% of US mobile phone users say they use voice calls to share their location.