conch shell 深藕红 ; 贝壳 ; 海螺壳 ; 法螺
Conch Shell House 海螺贝壳屋
Legend of the Conch Shell 宗喀巴大师舞台剧
The Conch Shell Inn 海螺酒店
In Lord of the Flies, the characters overcome a similar problem by instituting a rule that whoever has a designated conch shell gets their turn to talk.
As they lingered nearby, hoping to dart a biopsy sample from her skin, the dolphin dived and then surfaced with her beak lodged in a conch shell, which she waved back and forth above the water.
(2007年7月31日下午)当时他们(研究人员)在附近徘徊,希望从她(指那只奇特的海豚)身上获取活组织检查样本。 这只海豚先是潜到水里,过了一会嘴上固定着一只海螺浮出水面,她在水上面来回挥舞着海螺。
The spider conch (Lambis chiragra), a gastropod mollusk with six fingerlike projections sticking out of its shell, is one of these seabed dwellers.
蜘蛛螺(Lambis chiragra)就是其中一种海底生物,它属于腹足软体动物,壳上有6个指状突起。