...载荷无定期长时间连续运转 1.8 断续工作制(intermittent duty) 机械设备有载和空载互相交替运转 1.9 短时工作制(short-time duty) 机械设备的有载时间比空载时间短 1.10 额定容量(rated capacity) 指单台机械设备在设计工况下运行规定应达到的生产能力 1.11 标...
short time duty 短时运行方式 ; 短暂负载短时运行方式 ; 短期工作制
short-time duty-type 短时工作制
short-time duty system 短时工作制
continuous duty with short-time 短时负载持续工作制
continuous duty with short-time loading 短时间负荷连続使用 ; 短时间负载连续使用
duty short time 短期运行
以上来源于: WordNet
Describing the specialities of the starting motor brushes are of short-time duty system, big current density and the contact voltage drop must be as small as possible.
During his duty time, for certain reason if he wants to take a short leave, he must be approved by the duty engineer and concerned supervisor.