shot hole 爆破孔 ; 疮痂病 ; 小虫孔 ; 炮井
shot hole drill 自行式物探投炮孔钻机 ; 爆破孔钻机 ; 爆炸井钻机
miss shot hole 拒爆炮孔
shot-hole rig 炮井钻机
shot hole time 声波沿炮眼传播时间
shot hole noise 井口干扰
shot-hole elevation 爆破井口高度
Peach shot hole 桃穿孔病
shot-hole disease [植保] 穿孔病
shot-hole log 炸孔柱状图录
If correctly executed, this shot will give them a better chance of getting the ball close to the hole.
The third shot up and over one large bunker is the key to scoring well on this hole.
The first shot missed and blasted a hole in the wall.