... 经战斗留下伤痕的, 经历战役而疮痍满目的 battle-scarred 疮痂病 corky scab; shot hole 疮痂 [医学] scab ...
shot hole drill 自行式物探投炮孔钻机 ; 爆破孔钻机 ; 爆炸井钻机
miss shot hole 拒爆炮孔
shot-hole rig 炮井钻机
shot hole time 声波沿炮眼传播时间
shot hole noise 井口干扰
shot-hole elevation 爆破井口高度
Peach shot hole 桃穿孔病
shot-hole disease [植保] 穿孔病
shot-hole log 炸孔柱状图录
N a drilled hole into which explosive is put for blasting 爆破井; 炮眼
They also analyse the principle and method for determining both shot hole depth and instrument factors.
Will soon lead to severe inflammation of the scales fall off exposing the meat department looks like on the body to open a hole so I shot hole.
The analysis also shows that the continuity of P-wave event on common receiver gather is superior to that on common shot gather for seismic data acquired by shooting in shot hole.