文章详细信息 关键词: 齿轮;;喷丸强化;;残余应力;;残余奥氏体;;表面粗糙度;;显微硬度 [gap=503]Keywords: gear;shot peening;residual stress;retained austenite;surface roughness;microhardness ..
shot-peening [机] 喷丸硬化 ; 微粒冲击平面法
Shot Peening Operator 喷丸操作员 ; 内喷丸技术员
shot peening strengthening 喷丸强化
numerical shot peening 数字化喷丸
Carthing Shot Peening Software 开信数控喷丸强化软件
shot peening installation 喷丸硬化处理设备
shot peening forming 喷丸成形
Shot peening is also improved the stress relaxation ability of copper alloy.
Mechanic shot peening is a traditional process and widely employed by industrial circles.
The feasibility of improving K417 fatigue life by surface shot peening and recrystallization was studied.
研究了采用喷丸再结晶方法提高K417 合金疲劳寿命的可行性。