The relationship between the signified and signifier is at random and in differentia as well.
The ambiguity of language, a trait in its nature, refers to the semantic inaccuracy and flexibility of language and the fluid signified and signifier in speech.
语言的模糊性是指 语言语义的不精确性、灵活性及其言语的能指与所指的不固定性,是 语言的一种 固有的特性。
So that what's new in Saussure's thinking about the relationship between signified and signifier is that the sign tied up in this relationship is both arbitrary and differential.
So that what's new in Saussure's thinking about the relationship between signified and signifier is that the sign tied up in this relationship is both arbitrary and differential.
The concept he calls a "signified" and the sound image he calls a "signifier."
He says: he signification "sign" has always been comprehended and determined, in its sense, as sign-of, signifier referring to a signified, signifier different from its signified.