... 特别太阳能电池板 Particularly In Solar Panels 单晶硅太阳能电池板 Silicon Solar Panels 太阳能电池板工程师 Solar Pv Panels Engineer ...
As opposed to conventional silicon solar panels, which are bulky and rigid, these lightweight, flexible sheets could easily be integrated into roofs and building facades or on vehicles.
Funding from the new Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy (ARPA-E) is being used to find cheaper ways to manufacture conventional silicon solar panels (Making More solar Cells from silicon).
来自新成立的高等能源研究计划局(ARPA - E)的资助,是要用来找出更便宜的方法生产传统硅太阳能电池板(参见“从硅当中制造更多的太阳能电池”一文)。
For example, Innovalight, based in Sunnyvale, ca, has developed a method for printing silicon nanoparticles that can improve the amount of light conventional crystalline silicon solar panels absorb.