基于STC12C5410AD单片机的数字功率放大器设计_电子信息工程毕业论文_毕业论文天下网 关键词:D类放大器;单片机;低通滤波器 [gap=1224]Keywords:class-D amplifier;single-chip microprocessor;low-pass filter
...; Quality and reliability; Single-chip microprocessor [gap=394]关键字:工具状态监控;产品破损;质量与可靠性;单片机微处理器 ...
电脑多功能超声治疗仪的研制-设备管理技术资源网 关键词 单片计算机;超声波;电疗 [gap=447]Key words single-chip microprocessor; uotrasound; electrotherapy
single chip microprocessor 单片微处理器 ; 单片微措置赏罚赏罚器 ; 单片机
Single-chip microprocessor application 单片机应用
single - chip microprocessor control 单片机控制
c single chip microprocessor c51单片机
8031 single-chip microprocessor application 单片机应用
Single-chip microprocessor PIC16F72 PIC16F72单片机
51 single chip microprocessor 单片机
pic single chip microprocessor pic单片机
dsp single-chip microprocessor dsp单片微机
The frequency of power supply to the motors is controlled by the microprocessor to keep the water pressure constant. The control system consists of a 8951 single-chip microprocessor and interface circuits.
参考来源 - 变频调速矢量控制交流三相异步电动机的仿真研究With the rapid development of microelectronic technique,the integration level and performance of integrated circuit is enhanced and its price is reduced. Especially,the emergence of single-chip microprocessor brings a new technique innovation to today抯 domain of industry measurement and controlling.
参考来源 - 工程机械工况参数监测及故障报警系统的研究与开发·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
In every refrigerated container system, a single-chip microprocessor has been used.
In application system of Single-chip microprocessor, key-press display circuits take up respectively I/O port.
The unit which consisted of two peristaltic pumps and a multi function sampling valve was controlled by a single chip microprocessor.