... up-single-single 上板后点地 single stage; single level; single step 单级 a single combat 两人决斗 ...
single level process 单级过程 ; 单级历程
single level BOM 单层物料清单
single level where used 单层物料反查表
single-level device 单级设备 ; 单级装置
Single Level Cell 单层单元 ; 层单元 ; 存单元 ; 高度可靠的单层单元
single level address 一级地址
single level gate 单逻辑电平门电路
Single-Level Cell 单层单元 ; 单层式芯片 ; 单层式储存 ; 单层式储存单元
single-level steam turbine 单级式汽轮机 ; 单排式汽轮机
From the street, only a single level of the house is visible.
By default, the treeview shows a single level of navigation links.
The inclusion criteria were myelopathy and spondylosis or disc herniation at a single level from C3 to C7.
纳入标准为C3 到C7单阶段脊髓病和脊柱滑脱或椎间盘突出患者。
Their memory improved significantly, so their intelligence level as taking by tests before and after compared to control group improved significantly after a single week.