还设立了两个巨大显示屏,众多博卡球星都从贫民窟走出,还设立了两个巨大显示屏,投票方式使用(single transferable vote)系统。淘汰赛从16强赛(或.
按比例代表制用单一可转换票 single transferable vote 代表 1.(委派代表) deputy; delegate; representative 常驻代表 permanent representative; .
以上来源于: WordNet
N of or relating to a system of voting in which voters list the candidates in order of preference. Any candidate achieving a predetermined proportion of the votes in a constituency is elected. Votes exceeding this amount and those cast for the bottom candidate are redistributed according to the stated preferences. Redistribution continues until all the seats are filled 单一可转移投票制的; 即一个候选人只要在选区内获得预定比例的投票即可当选。超过这一比例的票和垫底票按其愿望重新分配给其他人,直至所有席位填满为止 ( abbr: STV) → see proportional representation