slide up 向上卷起 ; 滑盖式 ; 上滑音 ; 上行滑弦
slide up-down door 上下滑动门
Slim Slide-up 滑盖翻盖
U Slide up 上滑音
Page Slide Up 页面向上滑动
One-Fix Two-Slide-Up 单指固定
climbing up the slide 爬上幻灯片 ; 爬到幻灯片
So, supposing that you are sitting in a company meeting and the presenter puts up the first slide.
Slide up or down to adjust volume.
Open the blinds and, if temperatures permit, slide up the window.
Okay, and you can hear him sort of-- he didn't go-- You could hear him slide that leading tone up into the tonic in that case.
He said all this--this thing that I have up here-- well the previous slide, showing the dividend earnings ratio--it's just cultural; it means nothing because, to some extent, what's not shown in that diagram was the stock repurchase.
To make this point, let me see if we can get my helper here, technical person, to bring up a slide for me, and my question to you is-- as this slide comes up-- is the following: where in the brain is music processed primarily?