...e 心理社会学派强调个人生存环境诸因素的互动,认为人的内在心理事实(psychological reality)及所处的社会环境 (social context)是经常处于交互作用状态的。因此,人的生存环境、 过往经历同时影响着人的行为。
协同活动主要分成三种不同特性: [1 3] p 社会背景 ( Social Context ) : 意指参与者在协 同活动中相互认知, 其了解彼此之间状态与关 联。
social context theory 社会背景理论
Social Context Model 社会背景模型
Social Context Principle 社会情境原理
Social Context of Business 商务社交语境 ; 企业的社会背景
Social Context of Schooling 学校教育的社会背景
Translation is a communicative process which takes place in a social context.
参考来源 - 翻译中的语用优先原则Students should relate the language to the social context in which it is spoken.
参考来源 - 关于通过自主学习方案提高学生英语口语能力的研究Therefore, in promoting urban and rural development in social context, in order to receive good legal effect and social effect, we need to actively explore a matching civil justice responses.
参考来源 - 民事司法对策研究(研究生论文)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Everyone who is involved with other human beings in any social context has similar difficulties.
As a game engine, it lacked capabilities required in business and social context.
As Murray explains, the videos also provide an important cultural and social context.
There is this social context of race relations whose grammar he is also learning, and I would just remind you of the passage where he starts to ask his mother about whether his granny is white or not.
They've been very influential in teaching us how much of things we should eat, and look at that in this commercial that you're about to see, and also, the social context of this.