浅谈软土地区建筑物的桩基设计技术_建筑工程管理论文 关键字:软土地区、桩基设计、地基模型 [gap=411]Key word: soft soil area, pile foundation design, ground model
Tianjin soft soil area 天津软土地区
coastal soft soil area 沿海软土地基
soft soil in kunming area 昆明某地软土
mountainous area soft soil 山区软土
area of soft soil 软土地区
The earth pressure balance shield is the main method of constructing the shield tunnel in the soft soil area.
The criteria for control of final pressure on static piles in soft soil area is a problem frecuently discussed.
In a foundation pit in soft soil area, gravity retaining wall with diagonal bracing is used as well as those without bracing.