98 中文名称: 软件鉴定和认证 英文名称: (Software verification and validation) 页数: 8 采用标准: 被替代标准: 归口单位: 引用标准: 分类号: 发布日期: 1998 实施日期: 起草单位: 中国
software verification and validation report 软件难和确认报告 ; 软件验证与确认报告 ; 确认报告
software verification and validation plan 软件验证与确认计划
software verification and validation review 软件验证与确认评审 ; 软件验证和确认评审
Software Verification and Validation Plans 软件检验和认证方案
Evidence-Based Software Verification And Validation 以证据为基础的软体认证方式
In computer programming, unit testing is a software verification and validation method in which a programmer tests if individual units of source code are fit for use.
Developers should plan for between 30% and 70% of a projects effort to be expended on verification and validation activities, including software testing.
Software reviews can be used in supporting of the objectives of project management, system engineering, verification and validation, configuration management and quality assurance.