... 诉讼代理人 agent ad litem 特别程序 special procedures 提起公诉 institute a public prosecution ...
...欧盟海关法典》下,「有经济影响的通关程序(Customs Procedures with Economic Impact)改称为「特殊程序(Special Procedures)。
... 诉状complaint; bill of complaint; state of claim 非凡程序special procedures 提起公诉institute a public prosecution ...
special procedures function 特别程序功能
special procedures mode 特殊程序模式
Special Procedures Branch 特别程序处
special procedures branche 特别程序处
facilitate access to special procedures 建议也涉及到在民间社会行为者之间宣传特别程序的方式方法
Spinning wool fibers into yarns requires some special procedures.
If a registered department has special regulations, the applicants should follow those special procedures.
Because he is in front of a foreshadowing of that to buy Chinese stocks take some of the special procedures.
"I am therefore assigning priority to reforming and reorganizing our prison system, reviewing procedures for investigating alleged crimes by the state for special appeals and for the cases of detention without trial for citizens."
VOA: standard.2010.07.20
As carefully as people work with radioactivity here, and using often much, much safer radioactive materials than radium bromide, and using them, and special hoods, and having special procedures, they still do a lot of checking with these Geiger counters to make sure everything's safe.
And what that means it's there's all sorts of precautions and procedures you take that are special when you deal with these.