20 世纪初, 依据分辨出的造父变星, 哈勃测量了地球至 仙女座星系的距离, 平息了对于所谓螺旋星云(Spiral Nebula)是银河系内结构还是河外结构的辩论, 明确 了它们是在银河系以外并与银河系类似的星系结 构 [2] .
... spiral galaxy 旋涡星系; 旋涡星系 spiral nebula 旋涡星云; 旋涡星云 spiral pattern 螺纹; 螺纹 ...
solar spiral nebula 太阳旋涡星云
spiral nebula detail 旋涡星云
a spiral nebula 旋涡星云
spiral galaxy spiral nebula 螺旋星云
spiral l nebula 螺旋星云
同义词: spiral galaxy
以上来源于: WordNet
Perhaps the original spiral nebula, M51 is a large galaxy, over 60, 000 light-years across, with a readily apparent spiral structure.
也许旋涡星系m 51原本是一个巨大的星系,直径超过6万光年,有显尔易见的旋涡结构。
This NASA image obtained shows the 51st entry in Charles Messier's catalogue, perhaps the original spiral nebula, also catalogued as NGC 5194.
When you look up into the heavens with a telescope, you see many nebulae whelloch are like, or approximately like, the perfectly balanced spiral nebula whelloch you see edgewise in Fig. 23.