e)、用于增强附着力的前道处理,如铁基不粘锅加工过程中。 4.喷涂(Spraying):喷涂一般经过清洗、除油、喷涂、烘干等过程。烤漆制程中的一种加工方式,高压喷枪喷到工件喷涂是以特殊的喷枪;喷涂还有另一种说...
大风量高效低噪喷雾轴流通风机的优化设计-技术讲座-E路风机网 关键词:轴流式通风机;喷雾;优化设计;电子表格 [gap=687]Key words: axial-flow fan; spraying; optimum design; EXCEL
Airless spraying [涂料] 无气喷涂 ; 真空喷涂 ; [涂料] 高压无气喷涂 ; 液压喷漆
Electrostatic spraying [涂料] 静电喷涂 ; 静电涂装 ; [植保] 静电喷雾 ; 静电喷涂型
Aerosol spraying 简易喷涂 ; 气溶胶喷涂 ; 简略单纯喷涂 ; 喷罐法
metal spraying [机] 金属喷涂 ; [机] 金属喷镀 ; 金属熔融喷涂 ; 喷金
thermal spraying 热喷涂 ; 热喷镀 ; 热喷涂法 ; [物] 热力喷雾
flame spraying [机] 火焰喷涂 ; 火焰光谱分析
arc spraying 电弧喷涂 ; [化工] 电弧喷镀 ; 电弧喷敷法 ; 真空电弧泰炼
spraying machine [农机] 喷洒机 ; 喷漆机 ; [涂料] 喷涂机 ; [农机] 喷雾机
paint spraying 喷漆 ; 喷漆操作 ; 油漆喷涂
N-VAR Spray is a lot of small drops of water which are being thrown into the air. 水雾
The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall.
N-MASS A spray is a liquid kept under pressure in a can or other container, which you can force out in very small drops. 喷剂
...hair spray.
V-T/V-I If you spray a liquid somewhere or if it sprays somewhere, drops of the liquid cover a place or shower someone. 喷 (液体); (液体) 喷出
A sprayer hooked to a tractor can spray five gallons onto ten acres.
Inmates threw bricks at prison officers who were spraying them with a hose.
V-T/V-I If a lot of small things spray somewhere or if something sprays them, they are scattered somewhere with a lot of force. 使溅出; 溅出
A shower of mustard seeds sprayed into the air and fell into the grass.
The intensity of the blaze shattered windows, spraying glass on the streets below.
V-T If someone sprays bullets somewhere, they fire a lot of bullets at a group of people or things. 扫射
He ran to the top of the building, spraying bullets into shoppers below.
V-T If something is sprayed, it is painted using paint kept under pressure in a container. 喷漆 [usu passive]
The bare metal was sprayed with several coats of primer.
V-T/V-I When someone sprays against insects, they cover plants or crops with a chemical which prevents insects from feeding on them. 给 (作物等) 喷药; 喷药
He doesn't spray against pests or diseases.
Confine the use of insecticides to the evening and do not spray plants that are in flower.
N-COUNT A spray is a piece of equipment for spraying water or another liquid, especially over growing plants. 喷雾器
Farmers can use the spray to kill weeds without harming the soy crop.
N a small decorative bouquet or corsage of flowers and foliage (用作装饰的)花枝束
Inmates threw bricks at prison officers who were spraying them with a hose.
Millions of bees have died in South Carolina during aerial insect spraying operations that were carried out to combat the Zika virus.
It is possible that tubes made from animal bones were used for spraying because hollow bones, some stained with pigment, have been found nearby.