stalking horse 掩护马 ; 假马竞拍 ; 保护马 ; 假马竞标
stalking-horse 猎人用于掩护的假马 ; 假马竞拍者
The Stalking Moon 月落大地
stalking-horse bid 假马竞拍
Stalking Wolf 潜近狼
stalking horse bidder 假马竞拍者 ; 假马竞拍
Stalking Stones 潜行沙石 ; 潜行砂石
Stalking Tiger 潜行之虎
Stalking Yeti 潜行雪怪
同义词: stalk still hunt
同义词: stalk
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT The stalk of a flower, leaf, or fruit is the thin part that joins it to the plant or tree. (花、叶、果实与植株相连的) 柄; 梗
A single pale blue flower grows up from each joint on a long stalk.
V-T If you stalk a person or a wild animal, you follow them quietly in order to kill them, catch them, or observe them carefully. 悄悄跟踪
He stalks his victims like a hunter after a deer.
V-T If someone stalks someone else, especially a famous person or a person they used to have a relationship with, they keep following them or contacting them in an annoying and frightening way. 骚扰; 纠缠
Even after their divorce he continued to stalk and threaten her.
If the dog's hackles are up, gives a low decibel growl, or engages in a predatory, stalking posture, then there is probably a danger in the environment.
The lion was stalking a zebra.
She claimed that he had been stalking her over a period of three years.