...雄蕊群(androecium) :一朵花中所有雄蕊的总称,由多数或一定数的雄蕊组成,位于花冠的 内侧,一般直接生在花托上。 雄蕊(stamen):由花丝和花药组成 花丝—细长,顶端和花药相连 花药—产生花粉 雌蕊:一个或多个心皮两侧边缘向内卷合或边缘互相联合而形成雌蕊...
Lotus Stamen 莲须
didynamous stamen [植] 二强雄蕊
tetradynamous stamen [植] 四强雄蕊
synantherous stamen [植] 聚药雄蕊
STAMEN NELUMBINIS 莲须 ; 莲须对照药材 ; 买麻藤
pentadelphous stamen [植] 五体雄蕊
diadelphous stamen [植] 二体雄蕊
Monadelphous Stamen [植] 单体雄蕊
stamen setariae 粟米须
The male phase came first, in which the stamen matured. Then came the female phase, in which the pistil matured.
参考来源 - 喜树生殖生物学的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-COUNT The stamens of a flower are the small, delicate stalks which grow at the flower's centre and produce pollen. 雄蕊 [技术]