...器学习 辨识(identification):系统辨识、目标识别、信号分 类、反卷积与均衡 统计信号处理(statistical signal processing) 自适应信号处理(adaptive signal processing) 数字与多采样率信号处理 (digital and multiratemultiratesignal signal proc...
Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing 统计信号处理导论
Statistical Signal Processing and Modeling 统计信号处理和建模
Algorithms for statistical signal processing 统计信号处理算法
Statistical and Addaptive Signal Processing 统计与自适应信号处理
The subject of adaptive signal processing constitutes an important part of statistical signal processing.
The physical mechanism of signal processing based on the aperiodic stochastic resonance (ASR) system is analyzed, and a statistical approach for recovering the binary signal is proposed.
The median filtering is a nonlinear signal processing technology based on the order statistical theory, it can effectively suppress the noise.