...周杰伦《回到过去》吉他谱 刘若英《后来》吉他谱 假行僧吉他谱吉他谱图片版 无数突然安静下来的时候 如果爱吉他谱(steel guitar) 安静 弹唱 版-周杰伦钢琴谱 杰作(周杰伦吉他弹唱全记录十周年珍藏版) 凝的水滴 好安静 周杰伦吉他精彩弹唱(珍藏版):亚马逊:图书...
pedal steel guitar 吉他 ; 立式电吉他 ; 踏板电子吉他
Muted Steel Guitar 弱音钢弦吉他
Nylon & Steel Guitar 尼龙弦和钢弦吉他
Steel Guitar with Body Sound 主音钢弦吉他
Hey mister steel guitar man 亲爱的吉他手
steel guitar piece 钢带结片
同义词: Hawaiian guitar
以上来源于: WordNet
N →see Hawaiian guitar, pedal steel guitar
By the 1920s, with the advent of the public dance movement, people were gathering in large groups to listen to steel guitar music.
Then came steel strings, and that led to the lap guitar—which is also called the steel guitar because the player slides a steel rod up and down the neck.
The easygoing steel guitar groove of “I Can’t Forget” elevates Cohen’s stunning lyrics:”The summer’s almost gone/The winter’s tuning up.”
歌曲“我不能忘记”(I Can’t Forget)中轻松随和的钢弦吉他提升了科恩美妙歌词得档次:“夏天几近远在,冬天正将到来”。