现了混乱,为了解决这个问题,在英联邦之间就组成了一个英镑区 (Sterling Area), 所有的自治领和殖民地的货币都和英镑挂钩,除了加拿大以外,因为它的货币挂
Overseas Sterling Area 海外英镑区
pound sterling area [金融] 英镑区
sterling area pool 英镑区的货币公库
sterling g area 英镑区
以上来源于: WordNet
N a group of countries that use sterling as a medium of international payments and sometimes informally as a currency against which to peg their own currencies. For these purposes they deposit sterling balances and hold gold and dollar reserves in the Bank of England 英镑区(以英镑为国际收支手段的国家集团) (Also called sterling bloc, scheduled territories)
Under current exchange control practice an exporter selling goods to a country outside the sterling area is permitted to borrow foreign currencies in anticipation of the proceeds of his exports.
Under current Exchange Control practice, an exporter selling goods to a country outside the Sterling area is permitted to borrow foreign currencies in anticipation of the proceeds of his exports.
The big fall in sterling will help exporters but what is really needed is a quick, strong upturn in Britain's main foreign market, the euro area, which does not seem likely.
英镑的贬值将会使出口收益,但是我们真正需要的是英国主体外贸市场- - -欧元区经济迅速有力的上扬,但是这似乎很难实现。