...; • X的方差称为二阶中心矩 ; • X的均方值称为二阶原点矩; 1.1 随机信号的基本特征 1.1.2 随机信号 (stochastic signal) 随机信号定义 • 一个随机信号(或序列)是一个随机过程, 在它的每个时间点上的取值都是随机的, 可用一个随机变量表示。
fractal stochastic signal 分形随机信号
stochastic signal sequence 随机信号序列
stochastic signal analysis 随机信号分析
stochastic signal processing 随机信号处理
stationary stochastic signal 平稳随机信号
non-stationary stochastic signal 不定常随机信号
piecewise stationary stochastic signal 分段平稳随机信号
stochastic hydraulic signal 随机水力信号
stochastic continuous signal 随机连续信号
In order to better understand students’ state,the Stochastic Signal Analysis course interactive teaching system is combined with C/S structure. Database is introduced and added on the server.
参考来源 - 基于C/S结构的“随机信号分析”互动教学系统·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
After analyzing and processing the logical relationship of stochastic signal, the way of PLC program is put forward.
In order to meet the technical requirement nowaday, this paper represents how to perform stationary stochastic signal analysis with microcomputer.
Through changing some parameters such as type, frequency, amplitude, offset, and so on, it can get the amplitude eigenvalue that corresponding with the cycle signal and the stochastic signal.