Caribbean stud poker 扑克 ; 加勒比海扑克 ; 加勒比海宝藏扑克
Arctic Stud Poker Run 北极沙蟹扑克行
five-card stud poker 五张牌扑克 ; 五张桩牌扑克
Cyber Caribbean Stud Poker 如何玩加勒比海扑克 ; 加勒比海宝藏扑克规则
Las Vegas Stud Poker 德克萨斯扑克牌
Seven Card Stud Poker 梦幻扑克世界
N a variety of poker in which the first card is dealt face down before each player and the next four are dealt face up (five-card stud) or in which the first two cards and the last card are dealt face down and the intervening four cards are dealt face up (seven-card stud), with bets made after each round 四明一暗扑克牌游戏 (Often shortened to stud)
In a stud poker game, you can put a couple of chips in the pot and receive two CARDS, one hidden and one exposed.
在一个stud poker游戏中,你可以向壶中投入一对筹码并得到两张牌,一个被隐藏的一个暴露出的。
Barry Boehm USES the analogy of stud poker 2 to illustrate the sponsors perspective on an iterative and incremental development project.
Barry Boehm使用stud poker的类比2对一个迭代式增量开发项目从发起人视角进行阐述。