study hall 自修室 ; 自习课 ; 自习室 ; 晚自习
Digital Study Hall 数字化学习厅
Shang study hall 上自习
Evening study hall 今天晚上上自习
Computer Study Hall 电脑学习厅
A study hall long process 学习是一个漫长的过程
Job began early study hall 交完作业就开始早自习
Job starts early study hall 交完作业就开始早自习
Study hall class 自习课
She'd go to the library during ninth period, when she had study hall.
Children are hard at work in the study hall.
A recent study, conducted by Emory University's Erika Hall, found that "Black" people are viewed more negatively than "African Americans" because of a perceived difference in socioeconomic status.