...绪启动效应;阈上;阈下;述情障碍;病例对照研究 [gap=1697]Key words】 affective priming effect; supraliminally; subliminally; alexithymia; case-control study ...
But in these experiments the researchers do seem to be subliminally influencing people to act in pre-defined ways, so how can these opposing findings be resolved?
MacLean's analysis is not much believed now by neuroscientists, but it has stuck in the popular imagination. And it has also, subliminally, affected research.
I keep writing and studying literature, if not just looking at it subliminally or consciously, noting other writers' techniques, and their use of language, and changing sensibilities.
What you don't know is that pictures of black faces or pictures of white faces are being flashed on the screen but they're being flashed on the screen subliminally so fast you don't even know you're seeing them.