...子空间;子空间优化;高维数据预处理 [gap=598]Keywords: High dimensional sparse data, Zero-subspace, Subspace optimization, Preprocessing high dimension data ...
The subspace optimization 学科级优化
Concurrent Subspace Optimization 并行子空间优化 ; 研究了并行子空间优化
parameter adjustment subspace optimization 优选调参子空间
subspace current optimization 并行子空间优化
A key technique of Concurrent SubSpace Optimization-Response Space (CSSO-RS) is to construct responsive surfaces effectively and accurately.
实现基于响应面的并行子空间优化过程(CSSO - RS),关键在于如何高效率高精度的构造近似响应面。
One of major contributions in this research is an application of Concurrent Subspace Optimization (CSSO) to the preliminary design of aggressive tailless Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
An optimization method for large scale problems which combines Newton method and Interated-Subspace method is proposed.