2.4糖醇糖醇(sugar alcohol)是指糖的还原性羰基经过加氢后生成的一类多元醇, 包括四 碳糖、五碳糖、六碳糖或其聚合体[25], 如用 葡萄糖还原生成山 梨醇、木...
Sugar Alcohol Product Plant 糖醇制品厂
Sugar Alcohol manufacture Factory 糖醇制品厂
Starch Sugar&Sugar Alcohol 淀粉糖与糖醇类
East China Sugar&Alcohol exchange fair 华东地区糖酒商品交易会
sugar alcohol sweetener 糖醇甜味剂
In fact, Truvía combines rebiana, a substance derived from stevia bushes, with erythritol, a kind of sugar alcohol found in fruits.
(事实上,Truvía 混合了从甜叶菊中提取的成分 rebiana和水果中含有的赤藓糖醇)。
And in foods labeled "sugar free" or "no added sugar," the precise sugar alcohol count must be listed separately under the nutritional information.
Because of its direct influence on blood sugar, alcohol should therefore be seen as a fast sugar.