sulfur dioxide [无化] 二氧化硫 ; 亚硫酸酐 ; 二氧化硫化学品 ; 二氧化碳
Free sulfur dioxide 游离二氧化硫
Total sulfur dioxide 总二氧化硫 ; 二氧化硫总量 ; 总SO ; 总亚硫酸
discharges of sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫排放
Sulfur Dioxide Poisoning 二氧化硫中毒
sulfur dioxide emissions 二氧化硫排放量 ; 二氧化硫排放
combined sulfur dioxide 化合二氧化硫
sulfur dioxide monitor 二氧化硫监测仪
Sulfur Dioxide Exposure 二氧化硫老化
sulfur dioxide liquid 液体二氧化硫
Sulfur dioxide, a major contributor to acid rain, is an especially serious pollutant because it diminishes the respiratory system's ability to deal with all other pollutants.
The level of sulfur dioxide gas above Venus's clouds shows large and very frequent fluctuations.
New coal-burning plants usually comply with the law by installing expensive equipment to filter sulfur dioxide from their emissions.