。。 中文名称 盐肤木果油 英文名称 Sumac 灰树花 概述 灰 树花 是食、药兼用蕈菌,属担子菌亚门层菌纲非褶菌目多孔菌科 树花 菌属。 子实体肉质,有柄,多分支,末端生扇形或匙形菌盖,重叠成丛,最宽
Poison sumac 盐肤木 ; 毒漆树 ; 毒肤杨
sumac wax 漆树蜡 ; 日本蜡 ; 中国木蜡
seed of Chinese sumac 盐肤子 ; 盐肤
Yma Sumac 苏美克 ; 名 ; 表演者 ; 艺人
Staghorn Sumac 火炬树 ; 鹿角漆树 ; 鹿角漆木
Sumac for varnishes 清漆用苏模鞣料 ; 清漆用苏模
Sumac for use in tanning 鞣革用苏模鞣料
root-bark of the Chinese sumac 盐肤子根皮 ; 盐肤木根皮
N any temperate or subtropical shrub or small tree of the anacardiaceous genus Rhus, having compound leaves, clusters of green flowers, and red hairy fruits 苏模鞣料灌木 → see also poison sumach
This unmasking explains the autumn colours of yellow and orange, but not the brilliant reds and purples of trees such as the maple or sumac.
If you can't find sumac, you can use lemon zest.
There was the smell of sumac, orange and eucalyptus.