...年夏天参加由现代传播集团主办的“大声展”时,带来了一组用玻璃钢制作的怪 家伙,这就是被他命名为“黑子群”(Sunspot Group)的玩偶作品,现在我们看到的则是这组创作的原始版本。
Sunspot group number 太阳黑子群数
Afterwards he found a sunspot group which lived long enough to disappear from view on the western limb of the sun, to reappear on its eastern limb, and finally to regain its old position.
Large sunspot group ar 9169 moved across the sun during 2000 September and decayed in a few weeks.
大型太阳黑子团ar 9169在2000年9月穿过了太阳,在几周内衰退了。
Afterwards he found a sunspot group which lived the western limb of the sun, to reappear on its eastern limb, and finally to regain its old position.