...一方面能使个体意识到其认识能力;另一方面使个体为了适应现实而对本我加以约束和压抑,遵循的是“现实原则”。 超我(Superego):是人格的社会面,是“道德化的自我”由“良心”和“自我理想”组成,超我的力量是指导自我、限制本我,遵循“理想原则”。
group superego 团体超我
heteronomous superego 他律性超我
lacuna of superego 超我缺陷
superego function 超我功能
maternal superego 母性超我
id ego superego 人格结构理论
Superego Records 出版者
Unceasing Superego 不断超越自我
Chapter Three mainly probes into Bloom’s sublimated superego.
参考来源 - 试从佛洛依德理论解读《尤利西斯》中布卢姆的人格结构·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT Your superego is the part of your mind which makes you aware of what is right and wrong, and which causes you to feel guilty when you have done something wrong. 超我; 指内心对良知和道德的衡量标准 [技术]
Under this theory, the superego acts as a restraint.
The superego has two subparts: the conscience and the ego-ideal.
It tries to balance the two extremes of the id and the superego.
It tries to balance the two extremes of the id and the superego.
VOA: special.2010.04.13
So, your superego isn't only telling you not to do bad things, it's telling you not to think bad things.
Finally, if this was all there it might be a simpler world, but Freud had a third component, that of the superego.