Superimposed back pressure 附加背压力 ; 附带加之违压力 ; [机] 附加背压 ; 附加违压力
superimposed load 超载 ; 附加荷载 ; [交] 堆码负重 ; 重迭载重
superimposed drainage [水文] 叠置水系 ; 积载水系
superimposed valley 叠置谷 ; 遗传谷 ; 迭置谷
superimposed circuit [电子] 叠加电路 ; 重迭电路
superimposed outline 叠加的轮廓
superimposed stream 迭置河 ; [水文] 叠置河 ; 上置河流
superimposed river 叠置河 ; 迭置河
superimposed fold 叠加褶皱 ; 交错褶曲
V-T If one image is superimposed on another, it is put on top of it so that you can see the second image through it. 叠加 [usu passive]
The image of a seemingly tiny dancer was superimposed on the image of the table.
V-T If features or characteristics from one situation are superimposed onto or on another, they are transferred onto or used in the second situation, though they may not fit. 生搬硬套 [usu passive]
Patterns of public administration and government are superimposed on traditional societies.
The image of a seemingly tiny dancer was superimposed on the image of the table.
A diagram of the new road layout was superimposed on a map of the city.
Patterns of public administration and government are superimposed on traditional societies.
Rhythm is simply these patterns, usually repeating patterns, of longs and short that get superimposed as they set up above the basic beat underneath.
Then we had rhythms superimposed.