...名字叫5ftinf,是一位英国女艺术家、插花家,果不其然,把插花艺术做到了极致,也难怪一直是ins上搞table setting(工作台展示)最火的一个。她生活在英国布莱顿,喜欢收集各式各样的复古地图,还用老地图制作灯饰和笔记本。
Seasonal Table Setting 四季餐桌安排
Basic Table Setting 基本摆设
accuracy of elevation table setting 装表精度
Setting the table 全心待客
coordinate setting table [机] 坐标工作台
system options setting table 系统选择调整表
table data source setting 资料表资料来源设定
Alarm interlock setting table 报警联锁设定表
以上来源于: WordNet
Now your baby can have their very own table setting!
Who would you like to invite for a cup of tea at your table setting?
The steak knife is a dining knife used at a table setting when meats are served.
And I think it shocked me when I was in that room was that there were all kinds of adults setting there around the table talking about young people, the relationship to technology the relationship to culture the relationship to schooling and to each other.