...权,但是在江浙富人们都还在为财富而苦心争斗的时候,所以收集了网上的一部分信息,便能享有父母生活费的估税扣税额(tax relief),主要包括资金筹集、信贷运用、抵押贴现、证券发行与交易,所谓技术,我们要成就真诚忠诚的感情,文章也是徐祥写的,处以十五万...
自从乔治·布什进驻白宫那天起,白宫里就开端传出“税收减免”(tax relief)的说法。直到明天还是这样:当年年度国情咨文屡次运用它,四年后的预选演说中也多次看到它的身影。
group tax relief 集团税项宽减
Export Tax Relief 出口税额减免
Tax Relief for Handicapped Spouse 残疾配偶课税优待
double income tax relief 免除双重所得税
personal tax relief [税收] 个人税收减免
claim tax relief 减免税款的提出
export-tax relief 出口税救济
tax relief bond [税收] 减税公债
tax relief policy 减税政策
These expressions mainly include tax relief system, tax credit system, tax postponement system, accelerated depreciation system, loss compensation system, drawback system and the elimination of double taxation system.
参考来源 - 论我国创业投资企业税收激励制度的完善PartⅣ, introduces the tax preferential policies of the Free Economic Zones abroad by focusing on income tax relief, low tax rate, accelerated depreciation, investment credits, research and development incentives. It explains their characteristics of preferential tax policies.
参考来源 - 我国保税区税收优惠政策研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-UNCOUNT Tax relief is a reduction in the amount of tax that a person or company has to pay, for example, because of expenses associated with their business or property. 税额减免 [商业]
...mortgage interest tax relief.
The tax relief will sunset after a year.
Some places (America, Ireland and Spain) give tax relief on mortgage-interest payments.
Employees could, in effect, make pensions contributions when they felt flush and still get tax relief.
"Our plan is based on the belief that fast-acting tax relief is the most effective way to put our economy back on track,"
VOA: standard.2009.10.03
What we ought to be doing is pursuing the kind of broad-based prescription for recovery and stimulating this economy that has always worked: fiscal discipline in Washington and tax relief for working families, small businesses and family farms."
VOA: standard.2009.08.02