加强案例教学提高临证能力(省级项目平台) 关键词:医案教学;中医教育;思维模式 [gap=496]Keywords:case teaching;TCM education;thought model
PBL教学模式在中医外科学教学中的应用 - 中国中医药现代远程教育杂志社 关键词:中医外科学;PBL教学模式;见习;中医教育学 [gap=714]Key words: Surgery of Chinese medicine;PBL;Noviciate;TCM Education
对中医案例教学模式的再认识 关键词】 医案教学;中医 教育;思维模式 [gap=251]Key words:medial case teaching;TCM education;thought model
higher TCM education 高等中医教育
modern tcm education 当代中医教育
contemporary tcm education 当代中医教育
history of tcm education 中医教育史
criteria of TCM education 中医药教育标准
tcm education in ancient china 古代中医教育
tcm education in ancient times 古代中医教育
modern history of tcm education 近代中医教育史
So the quality of clinical teaching plays an important part in the evaluation of higher TCM education.
The author puts forward the discussion on the design of multi-media teaching patterns on TCM, attaching great importance of multi-media IT applied to TCM education.
On the whole, all these situations require the adaption of new learning pattern in TCM education for the purpose of cultivating professions of TCM medicine of high quality.