显然,当代性(contemporariness)就是这种与时间同步 关系的性质,而不是时间性(temporality)的性质。存在总是在时 间中存在,因此,与时间的某种关系就是存在的某种状态(可以想 想海德格尔的书名《存在与时间》的深意)。
Project Temporality 暂时计划
temporality of association 关联的时间性
double-temporality 双重现在性
temporality and spatiality 时空性
linear temporality 并非线性时间
apocalyptic temporality 般的时间观
N the state or quality of being temporal 暂时性
Could “the access to pluridimensionality and to a delinearized temporality” really be a subject?
But this change of the relationship between art and time also changes the temporality of art itself.
The original unity of the future, the past, and the present which constitutes authentic temporality.