test of significance approach 显着性检验法 ; 显着性检验方法
theory of test of significance 显着性检验理论
Test of significance of data 第五节 ; 数据资料的显着性检验
Test of significance of change 改变显着性检定 ; 改变的显着性考验
preliminary test of significance 初步显着性检验
combination of test of significance 显着性检验组合
test of significance of estimator 估计量显着性检验
test of significance for chi-square 卡方显着性检验
test of significance 显着性检验
One test of the significance of the two reversals will be how the boards of Motorola and Occidental respond.
However, the keywords shown have a greater significance in terms of the meaning of the whole statement and illustrate a number of traps in the test. For instance.
The first difference, therefore, is a result of our attempt to make the sample application easy to test, and has no significance to the design of the solution for the Claim Check pattern.
因此,第一个区别是由于我们尝试使样例应用程序易于测试而出现的,且它对Claim Check模式解决方案的设计没有任何意义。