The Aesop for children 伊索寓言英文儿童版
The Fables of Aesop 伊索寓言
Aesop and the CEO 伊索与首席执行官
the will explained by aesop 由伊索来解释的遗嘱
The Complete Fables of Aesop 伊索寓言全集 ; 伊索寓言选集
Aesop and the 伊索与首席执行官
the XXI AESOP Confercnce 第21届欧洲城市规划院校联合会国际大会
The Life of Aesop 伊索的一生
It has many more than many other Aesop books! Only, where'd it get the name "the Aesop for Children".
I think what Aesop was suggesting is that when you offer a good turn to another human being, one can hope that that good deed will come back and sort of pay a profit to you, the doer of the good deed.
Honesty is the best policy. -aesop, ancient Greek fabulist.
He's a standard literary device that you see in fables of this period, and later--the kind that you find for example in the fables of Aesop.