最近另一项得到广泛关注的指标是 波罗的海干散货指数 (the Baltic Dry Index ),这是一项 衡量大宗货物海运成本的指标,由作为从事航运合约交易的世界主导市场——伦敦波罗的海 交易所(the Baltic Exchang...
Which one of the following statements is TRUE of the Baltic Dry Index?
The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of shipping rates for bulk goods, has foundered.
衡量散货运费的波罗的海干货指数(Baltic Dry Index)已经崩溃。
As Figure 4 (attached) shows, the Baltic dry Index has surged 62% since early-April, bringing a rebound in dry-bulk stocks.
根据图4显示,波罗的海干散货运价指数(Baltic Dry Index)从4月初以来已经飞涨了62%。