资料 中文名: 非武装地带 英文名: The Demilitarized Zone 类 型: 导 演: Sang-ho Park 编 剧: Ha-yeong Byeon 主要演员: Mi-lyeong Jo 南宫远 产
For security reasons, you might not want to place proxy servers out in the demilitarized zone (DMZ).
出于安全考虑,您可能不希望将代理服务器放到非保护区(demilitarized zone, DMZ)以外。
And it has thousands of artillery pieces close to the Demilitarized Zone, which is just 30 kilometers (18 miles) from Seoul.
Specifically, the focus is software and node configuration scenarios within the demilitarized zone (DMZ), or external network, and the implementation procedures for using these designs.
具体地说,主要关注非军事区(demilitarized zone, DMZ)或外部网络中的软件和节点配置场景,以及使用这些设计的实现过程。